Cam Page

Our Horses

Our Foals


Sir Patrick True Bar


Miss Kitty


Destiny summer 2006

Destiny summer 2007




Darq Star Phantom




Day 3


Loren M. and Darq


Dawn G. and Buddy

Robin S. and Rosy


Robin S. and Rosy


"Dave, that Tickles!!!!!"


Teena and Tiger


Liz and Special


 Here comes Dave




Waiting for our turn


"Yes Star you will mind me!!!!!"


"You Jug Head Star!!!"



 "Star, mind me or else!!"






 "Told ya Star, you will mind me!!"


"What are you doing???"


Day Dreaming


Loren M. on Buddy

Concentrating hard


Dawn doing the Figure 8 on Darq


 Coco is telling Darq "I love you"


You can do it Star


Star wants in the picture also


OOPS!!!  Dawn is in trouble now!!!!


 Running a Lap


Running yet another one


"Are we sleepy Josh???"


SMILE Robin!!!!!!!!!!!


Very good Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




 Yes Josh, you missed the lines!!!


Cutting it a bit close aren't we??????????


Good Turn!!!!!!!!!!!


Come on Tiger!! WALK!!!




Josh, that is a bit on the close side!!!!


Come on Star, step on the Bridge!!!!


Well at least we did not step on the lines!!!!!


WHOA!!!!! Coco




Star, remember what happened earlier????


I know you don't wanna do it, but you are gonna do it!!!!!!!


Almost got 1 foot on the Bridge




2005 Spring Break Clinic day 1

2005 Spring Break Clinic Day 2


2005 Spring Break Clinic Day 3


2005 Spring Break Clinic Day 4

Dr. Joe's vacation Pictures

CC's Artificial Insemination page.

Flyin' W Training Stables


True Blue McCue 

Fancy Meets her Man "Bo"

Link page

Mothers Darq Beauty 





Pictures Of Oxford Ranch

Ranch Activities