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August 20,2001


     As the day fades into night my time with my new friend Keesha is drawing to an end, we found each other just a few short weeks ago.  She found me when I was going threw the toughest time of my life, I lost my home and my new family due to a bad break up with my boyfriend.  I started looking for a friend at our local animal shelter knowing that there was the place to start looking when she found me; she was the sweetest dog there.

     So I brought her home and started to rebuild my life with her, and the horses, soon we became fast friends everywhere that I went so did she.  She found that she liked to sleep at the foot of my bed, I would have preferred that she had her head on the pillow next to mine but she was happy and comfortable and that is all that matters.

     She is a very protective dog, sometimes to the point of being over protective and a bit on the jealous side of things, for the most part I loved that about her, until she became a bit too protective, she has taken to chasing horses and biting them, she bit the same horse 2 times in just a matter of an hour, darn near causing a nasty Horsey wreck as we were riding the horse at the time.

     I love my Keesha, I don’t want to take her to the vets to have them end her life, but I know that I could not sleep at night knowing that she was in danger or causing harm to another animal let alone a person.

     Keesha has saved me; I am responsible for her life.  To do this now is, tearing my heart apart.  I need her, as she needs me.  When she first came to live with me our house situation was not the best, in fact it was down right miserable, but since we have made it a bit better, we have made it into a home. But she never complained, she was happy, and more accepting of it than I was.

     I am sorry my dear sweet Keesha, I love you so very much.  You will always have a very special place in my heart.

     She will be free to run in the green meadows across the rainbow bridge with all the other bridge kids, I am sure that my other pets will be there to welcome her in open arms.  I have sent many a pet across that bridge, hoping that that pet would be the last to cross the bridge, but yet once again I am having to do this.  Never in my life have I ever come across anything so hard to do.

     I will see you again really soon my sweet Keesha, please give my other friends a big slurp for me.

     I love you Keesha



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